On My Summer Holidays . . .

Out and about in Oliver I stopped in at the Quails Nest on Airport Street for a wee J&T . . . that is Jen and Terry!

Weavers and Spinners, Jen and Wild Woman, Terry rent the QN for a week, great deal people, and cook up the colours to dye their fabrics and wools for the amazing creations they will be making to sell in the fall. Put my order in for a new pair of Terry’s mitts. Lost just one, not both last winter!

Jen poising for her close up of an eco dyed tablecloth . . love it!To fix the eco dyes the ladies used rusty nails!

Love the coloursThis gorgeous pink comes from those little bugs they make red lipstick out of the Cochineal bug . . I do love bugs!

Terry’s mixed media sculpture “Jane” inspired by Toulouse Lautrec. Her hat is felted, blouse is eco dyed and the skirt is a weaving . . brilliant! Keep an eye out for the Christmas fairs to collect the wearable art these ladies, J&T will create!

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